Sunday, May 26, 2024

Øygarden 21.May 2024

 Once again struggling to get out and once again hot and sunny.

Today's trip out was to get hold of timber and other stuff for ongoing projects on the house. Wooden houses may have some advantages but are not good for a birder in spring:)

I did some drive-bys on the way.

The most interesting sighting was a colour ringed Great Black-backed Gull svartbak at Kollsnes. Ringed in Norway it was seen in the Netherlands during the winters until 2016 and has not been seen since! This site has turned up other interesting colour ringed gulls such as the Lesser Black-backed Gull sildemåke that had last been seen in Portugal.


A Garden Warbler hagesanger singing at Sture was the only new for the year.

The tern colony at Dåvøy now filling up nicely with an estimated 9 pairs of Common Tern makrellterne and six pairs of Arctic Tern rødnebbterne.

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