Friday, May 03, 2024

Skogsøy 01-02 May 2024 - No big days....

 On 01 May, traditionally a big day at Skogsøy, I sat on my own. The highlight was a Frenchman who made the walk out in the rain and asked if I was Julian Bell. Amazing to be known in other countries - this is far from the first time this has happened. Thankfully I managed to show him the only White-billed Diver gulnebblom that passed today.

Rain for the first couple of hours and light winds. Not the recipe for a big day but it has to be done:)

Numbers were as follows:

Red throated Diver smålom N 46
White Billed Diver gulnebblom N 1
Northern Gannet havsule N 4, S 32
Great Cormorant storskarv N 1, S 3
Eurasian Shag toppskarv N 11, S 69
Shelduck gravand N 3
Eider ærfugl S 1
Long tailed duck havelle N 11, S 3
Common Scoter svartand N 51, S 42
Velvet Scoter sjøorre  N 7, S 3
Merganser siland N 35, S 8
Oystercatcher tjeld N 77, S 4
Whimbrel småspove N 7
Black headed Gull hettemåke S 2
Common Gull fiskemåke N 46
Lesser black backed Gull sildemåke N 2
Razorbill alke N 1

Other migrants included a Greenshank gluttsnipe at Husvatnet and a Brambling bjørkefink in my garden at Nautnes.

The next day I was back at Skogsøy with a couple of long time stalwarts. It was VERY calm, very sunny and very very hot! A lot more passage but still not quite the day we were hoping for. Only nine White-billed Diver gulnebblom but a decent amount of variety and good company:)

Between 0600 and 1200:

Red throated Diver smålom N 21
Black throated Diver storlom N 1
White Billed Diver gulnebblom N 9
Northern Gannet havsule N 8, S 21
Great Cormorant storskarv N 26, S 8
Eurasian Shag toppskarv N 23, S 285
Shelduck gravand N 2
Teal krikkand S 2
Tufted Duck toppand N 1
Eider ærfugl S 19
Long tailed duck havelle S 7
Common Scoter svartand N 7, S 21
Merganser siland N 18, S 6
Oystercatcher tjeld N 10, S 4
Whimbrel småspove N 1
Eurasian Curlew storspove N 1
Black headed Gull hettemåke N 1, S 1
Common Gull fiskemåke N 131
Black-legged Kittiwake krykkje N 1

Otherwise just a few Lesser Whitethroats møller singing and the usual White-tailed Eagle havørn etc

Cormorants storskarv heading north and obviously feeling the heat.
Most birds now are juveniles

Eiders ærfugl heading south

Gannet havsule

Shelduck gravand

Massively cropped White-billed Divers gulnebblom. The heat haze was an issue when it came to photography

Wheatears steinskvett


Anonymous said...

Hi Julian !

I was very happy to meet you.
Thanks to your blog, I could find this amazing place : Skogsøy !

I really enjoyed this morning. Thanks to you, I was able to make some great observations, including a white-billed diver and long-tailed ducks.

Kind regards,

Gildas (from France)

Jules said...

It was great to meet you Gildas! And thanks for your tip about the Black Grouse!